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FAQs about Antigua’s Carnival?

General Questions

When is Antigua's Carnival
Typically, Antigua’s Carnival runs from the last weekend in July until the first Tuesday in August.


How do I get tickets to the shows for Antigua’s Carnival?

Tickets can be purchased prior to the shows at various ticket booths across the island, and of course, from the ticket box office at Carnival City. With the emergence of e-commerce, plans are currently underway to facilitate online ticket purchases. However, in 2016, to launch the start of e-commerce technology, the local Ticketing Events App was utilized to purchase tickets for the various shows. The App is available, and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and the Apple iOS.


Where do most visitors come from for Antigua’s Carnival?
During the months of July and August when Antigua’s Carnival is held, based on arrival figures, most visitors come from the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, and neighbouring Caribbean islands.
Where do most visitors come from for Antigua’s Carnival?
During the months of July and August when Antigua’s Carnival is held, based on arrival figures, most visitors come from US, UK and neigbouring Caribbean islands.

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