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2017 Calypso Monarch Semi-Finalists

The Antigua and Barbuda Festivals Commission has released the list of Semi-Finalists for the 2017 Calypso Competition.

The List comprises nineteen calypsonians from the Golden Eye Calypso Revue, Calypso Pepperpot and the Oscar Mason Calypso Revue tents. The reigning Calypso Monarch of Barbuda, Stabba will also receive entry into the Semi-Finals competition which will take place on the 23rd of July at Barrymore Place on Fort Road commencing at 7:30 pm. In keeping with a charge by the Hon. Minister of Festivals, E.P. Chet Greene, to give as many calypsonians the opportunity to practice their skills, two calypsonians will act as alternates to the twenty calypsonians selected for the Semi-Finals. The calypsonians who will act as alternates are Yankee and Sista Virtue. The Semi-Finals on the 23rd of July will be a new competition and calypsonians will be required to sing two songs. The All Star Band, conducted by Mr. Randell Payne will commence rehearsals on Wednesday of this week at the former Culture Department on Parliament Drive.

De Arc

De Bear
Destroyer Snr.
Dr. Principle
Dr. Solo
King Fiah
King Kaseba
King Panman
King Singing Sudden
King Zacari
Queen Althea
Queen Ivena
Richie Francis
Sammy C
Willie Wawa
Young Destroyer



1. Yankee
2. Sista Virtue


Calypsonian Standings


Calypsonians Standings 2017 Quarterfinals Page 001


Calypso Quarterfinals Scores Rank 2017 Page 001

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